Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Refugee camp in Tabanovce

People have been migrating for the thousands of years, definitely it's not a new process. However, two years ago Europe had started struggling with the refugee crisis, which still trigger heated discussion in many countries.

    Most of the migrants are from Middle East and African countries. It's said that, those people escape from the civil war, abusive politics towards human rights and terrorism itself.

Unfortunately, many stereotypies arouse about refugees since those years. Probably lack of education and unknown culture play a vital role in sustaining controversial image about them. Moreover, the description of refugee crisis showing by biased media might arouse fears and aggression in society. Additionally, it is thought that increase of the right wings parties in Europe make situation even worst.

    We shouldn't forget that the journey from Middle East to Europe is highly dangerous. Those people risk their lives to have better one and save their families. According to The International Organisation for Migration in 2015 more than 3.770 refugees were reported dead while trying to cross Mediterranean sea.

    Majority of refugees want to migrate to Germany. According to one of the refugee's story, in Germany, the process of being integrated into society, go to university or find a job is faster than in other countries. In Macedonia refugees mostly migrate from Greece in order to travel further to Serbia, France and of course Germany.

    In Macedonia exists two refugee camps, one in Tabanovce and the second one in  Gevgelija. Both of them function as a transit centre, which means that people should stay there for a short period of time. Nevertheless, NGOs try to make refugees lives as easy and comfortable as possible.

Nowadays, in Tabanovce camp are 25 registered refugees and around 60 unregistered. The amount of people is changing almost every day, because of the high rotation.

In the camp mostly live men around their 20s, there are a few women and children. Mainly, they come from countries such as Iran, Iraq, Syria, Algieria and Maroko. The camp is quite small, there are dozen booths, in each live around three people or whole family.

    There are many rumors about conditions in refugee camps. Probably, because of the small amount of people in Tabanovce standard of living is quite good. As might be expected, in the camp works a few NGOs such as Legis, Red Cross, Sos Children Village and UNICEF. Each organisation has different aim and target group. The purpose of Sos Children Village is to provided entertaimnet for youngsters, along with helping in process of growing up. Legis intends to release the stress through the sport and cultural activities and provide mental support by a conversation.

     Nowadays, situation in the camp is pretty calm because of small amount of people. The main problem the refugees have to struggle with, is boredom. That's why volunteers try to organise some activities such as cultural nights or just talk to them. However, I must say, that even basic conversation might be problematic, because of language barrier and no translators present at the camp. Although, there are many things, which should be improve, seeing smile at one person's face makes that, you want to help those people even more.

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