Friday, April 21, 2017

Experience from Tabanovce

            Before my first time in refugee camp in Tabanovce, I was realy afraid what I can expect from this.  How people accept me, how will be behaviour of refugee, how I will communicated with them, how is condition of their accommodation, how is the life here. My previous experience from refugee camp from Hnugarian/Serbian border was very confused and I had a very sad and bad experience from this camp in Kalebia. But luckily, the places here was different; better and people here is very nice and hospitality. Every my nightmare, if I can call my fear nightmare, was after my first met with refugee out of my head. People here have a small containers, where their live. Not like in a Kalebia. Here is a lot of organisation, which help refugee. I was really surprised, how communicative people is here. I don’t have any problem here. My first experience with them hospitality was, when we played volleyball first time with Inka and came two boy and start playing volleyball together. After while coming one older man with 3 bottle of wather for us. I must say, that outside was very hot, nice weather. And he bring wather for us. It was very nice from him. Now we are friends with him and his family. 

            However, what we doing in camp? We came to the camp every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with LEGIS Ngo. We spend a free time with refugee, talking with them, playing ping pong, molky, volleyball, football and another sport activity. On a one hand we spend free time with playing different sports game but in a other hand, we teach English, as well. But in this lesson not only we teach English, but we teach to each other every language, what we know. That I was a opportunity get to know Arabic language, French language and Algerian language, too.  Refugee is very open to learn new things, what can help them in their another route to life better live. 
              I love their creativity. They are built a basketball from bench. 
        One day we help to LEGIS Ngo with coordination of Red cross, distributed clothes for refugees. 

            In the end I can say, that I’m very happy, that I get so this opportunity be part of LEGIS organisation, which help refugee have better time in this hard part of refugee life. 


Notre projet se termine déjà dans 1 semaine.
Durant ces deux mois, nous avons réalisé de belles choses pour les enfants, comme un géant Monopoly, Snake game, Pandemic.

De plus, nous avons la main verte, durant les beaux jours nous en avons profite pour creer un potager et planter des graines. Ensuite nous avons replante les pousses dans des pots.

Le multikulty est un endroit rempli de joie et de bonne humeur, que ce soit les enfants ou les personnes y travaillant. C'est un lieu dédié aux enfants, tout y est fait pour eux, et on voit leur joie d'y venir passer du temps après l'école.

Avec Cassandre nous avons fait de belles rencontres, très enrichissantes. Les gens sont accueillants, leur hospitalité nous a merveilleusement surprise.
Durant nos jours de repos, nous en avons profité pour visiter la Macédoine.
Nous avons commencé par visiter la capitale, Skopje, durant 2 jours. 
Puis nous avons également été à Matka et Kokino, en pleine nature.
Nous avons profité du long week-end de Pâques pour partir explorer le sud de la Macédoine, nous avons passé 2 jours à Ohrid puis 2 jours à Bitola.  

C'est intéressant de voir une autre partie du pays, qui est plus touristique et où les paysages ne sont pas les mêmes.

Notre EVS nous a permis de découvrir un pays dont nous ne connaissions rien, ainsi que la vie des Balkans, de faire de belles rencontres, d'améliorer notre anglais, de vivre et d'appendre des volontaires des autres pays.

Un EVS est très enrichissant, nous le recommandons vivement, c'est une très grande ouverture d'esprit.

Monday, April 10, 2017

First Evs Week!

Everything was very fast, i accepted to project, i prepaired necessary things and flew to Macedonia. New country, new people, project... I was shocked and excited, because i don't know anything. When i was in Kumanovo, we met to three people from Multikulti and we ate something in cultural place. They was very friendly and helpful. I met a lot of people from different country in Slovakia, France... Everybody is very polite, friendly. When i met them, i relaxed. And i told about Macedonia and Multikulti to my family.

 My first day in Multikulti, i met with children. They are very pretty and curious. Some children can speak Turkish and they are ask me some question. Secondly we drew big clock and painted, play some games and a talent child drew my portrait. :D Inaddition, i started to learn new language; Macedonian. We have funny Macedonian teacher. Firstly i affraid to cyrillic alphabet. When i was start to lesson, it be easy.

Furthermore, me and other volunteers are travelling. Macedonia has beautiful nature and place. we went to Kokino and Canyon Matka. We know each other for a short time but it is no problem. As if we have been friends for a long time. Everyone is very helpful and shareist. So i am very happy ^-^ And we have a dog and a cat in accommodation, they are so pretty.

 End of the first my week i say "I am very happy to be here!"